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Cover Letters

A cover letter is a one-page business letter that you submit along with your resume. They can make it easier for a potential employer to see how your interest and experience connect to the position. Your goal is the convince the employer to interview you. Cover letters MUST be customized for each application.

Key aims of a cover letter:

  • Showcase your motivation: Demonstrate your enthusiasm for the specific role and why you want to join the organization. Show that you have done your research.
  • Highlight your qualifications: Use this opportunity to connect the dots for an employer between past experiences, skills, and knowledge and the responsibilities of the role. Structure your letter based on relevance, not chronology, and don't just restate your resume - tell the story behind the actions.
  • Share communication style: The cover letter acts as a writing sample and allows an employer to hear your voice.

Cover Letter Format and Sample

Have your cover letter reviewed in the Career Center. You can schedule an appointment in or stop by Monday - Friday from noon - 3:00 for a 15 minute drop-in.