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Theatre Course Listings

Courses Offered Fall 2024

  • DR 100 - Stagecraft
  • DR 250 - Introduction to Theatre History (fulfills fine arts core requirement and diversity core requirements)
  • DR 251 - Experience of Theatre (fulfills fine arts core requirement)
  • DR 252 - Introduction to Theatrical Production (fulfills fine arts core requirement)
  • DR 275 - Theatre Practicum
  • DR 350 - Acting I
  • DR 370 - Queer Theatre and Film
  • DR 374 - Theatre Production Internship

Courses Offered Spring 2025

  • DR 100 - Stagecraft
  • DR 251 - Experience of Theatre (fulfills fine arts core requirement)
  • DR 254 - Introduction to Theatre Design
  • DR 260 - Introduction to Dance
  • DR 275 - Theatre Practicum
  • DR 351 - Directing I
  • DR 364 - Solo Performance
  • DR 374 - Theatre Production Internship

Course Descriptions

DR 100 - Stagecraft

(3.00 cr.)
Students apprentice on set construction, scene painting, lighting, and running crews. This entails hands-on, supervised work on the Evergreen Players' main-stage productions. Participants work with the professional set and lighting designers of 山ּproductions.

Sessions Typically Offered: Fall/Spring
Years Typically Offered:

DR 210 - American Musical Theatre: Uptown and Down

(3.00 cr.)
Studies the variety found in American musical theatre, including musical drama, opera, and musical comedy. Through readings, recordings, and video tapes, students investigate this lively art. At least one live performance is viewed during the semester. Same course as MU 210.

Sessions Typically Offered: Fall/Spring
Years Typically Offered: Varies
Interdisciplinary Studies: IU

DR 250 - Introduction to Theatre History

(3.00 cr.)
The evolution of theatre as an art form is explored, from ancient Greek to contemporary performance. Major theatrical genres/movements, playwrights, directors, actors, and designers are covered. An emphasis is placed on the link between society and theatre, focusing on key moments in the Theatre's development. Includes attendance at theatre productions on campus and in the Baltimore/Washington area. Fulfills fine arts core requirement. Theatre tickets cost approximately $30.

Sessions Typically Offered: Fall/Spring
Years Typically Offered: Annually

DR 251 - Experience of Theatre

(3.00 cr.)
Students experience theatre by performing different roles associated with theatrical production. Students act as readers, audience members, actors, reviewers, playwrights, directors, and designers. An emphasis is placed on students understanding and experiencing all aspects of the theatrical process. Includes attendance at theatre productions on campus and in the Baltimore/Washington area. Fulfills fine arts core requirement. Theatre tickets cost approximately $30.

Sessions Typically Offered: Fall/Spring
Years Typically Offered: Annually

DR 252 - Introduction to Theatrical Production

(3.00 cr.)
A comprehensive, experiential course in theatrical production. Students engage in major areas of production (acting, directing, design), as well as playwriting, theatre criticism, and the staging of an original theatre piece. Includes attendance at theatre productions on campus and in the Baltimore/Washington area. Recommended for performing arts majors with a concentration in theatre, performing arts majors with a comprehensive concentration, or theatre minors. Fulfills fine arts core requirement. Closed to students who have taken DR 251. Theatre tickets cost approximately $30. Same course as HN 321.

Sessions Typically Offered: Fall/Spring
Years Typically Offered: Annually

DR 254 - Introduction to Theatre Design

(3.00 cr.)
An introduction to the basic principles of design, with an emphasis on scenic, costume, and lighting design. Students develop the working vocabulary of design principles, learn collaborative skills, and practice in applying design principles to texts and theatrical spaces. Projects include designs in all three major areas.

Sessions Typically Offered: Spring
Years Typically Offered: Annually

DR 260 - Introduction to Dance

(3.00 cr.)
Students are introduced to a variety of dance styles including ballet, modern, and some social and ritual dance. In addition to training students in dance technique, improvisation, and composition, the course is also recommended to actors for training in movement. Includes visits to dance performances and screening of dance videos.

Sessions Typically Offered: Fall/Spring
Years Typically Offered:

DR 265 - Modern Dance

(3.00 cr.)
The multifaceted dance form known as modern dance was born out of rebellion at the beginning of the 20th century. This course considers how each subsequent generation has promulgated new rebellions yielding radical changes in subject, composition, presentation, and ways of moving. A commitment to continuous creative research is the through line driving modern dance. Students adopt that commitment as we explore methods of moving and creating in the tradition of modern dance.

Sessions Typically Offered: Fall/Spring
Years Typically Offered:

DR 270 - Scene Design

(3.00 cr.)
Studies problems of design and the use of the design imagination through projects involving various styles and periods. Emphasis is placed on the use of research techniques involving the preparation of designer elevations through basic design techniques, ground plans, models, and drawing skills. Concentration on the design process and the director-designer relationship is also covered.

Sessions Typically Offered: Fall/Spring
Years Typically Offered:

DR 271 - Costume Design

(3.00 cr.)
Provides students with the tools for designing costumes for theatrical productions. Several areas are covered, including research techniques, script analysis, designer/director relationship, organizational paperwork, and rendering techniques. Students design costumes for scripts of varying periods and genres. A textbook and art supplies are required.

Sessions Typically Offered: Fall/Spring
Years Typically Offered: Varies

DR 275 - Theatre Practicum

(1.00 cr.)
Requires supervised, hands-on experience in a particular area of theatrical production for a main-stage Evergreen Players, Poisoned Cup, or Spotlight Players production. Areas of concentration include acting, directing, set construction, lighting, prop and costume construction, stage management, and running crews. The faculty supervisor details responsibilities. Performing arts majors with a concentration in theatre, performing arts majors with a comprehensive concentration, theatre minors, and interdisciplinary majors with a concentration in theatre must take three practicums. May be repeated three times for credit. (Pass/Fail)

Sessions Typically Offered: Fall/Spring
Years Typically Offered: Annually

DR 301 - Improvisation

(3.00 cr.)
Focuses on listening and responding, freeing the instrument, and collaborative problem solving in the creation of spontaneous performances. Improvisation is also applied to rehearsal of scripted material and actor training. Topics include scene building, character development, comedy, and storytelling. The final project is a public performance.

Sessions Typically Offered: Fall/Spring
Years Typically Offered:

DR 350 - Acting I

(3.00 cr.)
How does an actor prepare a performance? Through training of the physical and vocal instrument as well as exercises in concentration, perception, imagination, improvisation, emotion, and expression, students acquire the skills needed to analyze and perform scenes.

Sessions Typically Offered: Fall
Years Typically Offered:

DR 351 - Directing I

(3.00 cr.)
How does a director prepare a performance? Each step of directing-from play selection to casting; from rehearsal techniques to final costume, set, lighting, and sound design-is investigated and practiced. In addition to in-class composition and scene-work, students cast and stage 10-minutes plays for the 山ּcommunity.

Prerequisite: DR 350.
Sessions Typically Offered:
Years Typically Offered:

DR 354 - Acting II

(3.00 cr.)
This class focuses on advanced scene work and period technique. Students choose monologues and scenes from a range of historical styles.

Prerequisite: DR 350 or an audition with the theatre faculty.
Sessions Typically Offered:
Years Typically Offered:

DR 356 - Directing II

(3.00 cr.)
An in-depth, hands-on study of directing which builds on DR 351. Students work with professional designers and hone their skills in all parts of the directing/production process. The course culminates in the public performance of a fully produced, one-act play directed by each student in the class as part of the Evergreen Players’ regular season.

Prerequisite: DR 351.
Sessions Typically Offered:
Years Typically Offered:

DR 360 - Voice and Speech

(3.00 cr.)
Students explore oral communication with an emphasis on harnessing the communicative power of the spoken word. We speak all the time - how can we do it with more confidence and effectiveness? This course addresses the many contexts in which we use the spoken word and how we can adapt to these contexts for maximum impact. Course activities lead to increased awareness of each students’ habits, ability to assess what use of voice is appropriate for certain texts and situations, and an understanding of and facility with the tools available to enhance verbal communication through conscious use of the “performative” aspects of voice and speech. Students also gain an increased sensitivity to how others communicate verbally with us. Same course as CM 366.

Sessions Typically Offered: Summer
Years Typically Offered: Annually

DR 362 - Special Topics in Dramatic History/Literature

(3.00 cr.)
Students focus on a specific period, genre, or playwright such as American theatre, contemporary performance, Brecht, Absurdism, or farce. May be repeated for credit with different topics.

Sessions Typically Offered: Fall/Spring
Years Typically Offered: Annually

DR 363 - Special Topics in Performance

(3.00 cr.)
Students focus on a specific style of performance such as Shakespearean performance, mask work, or comedy of manners. May be repeated for credit with different topics.

Sessions Typically Offered: Fall/Spring
Years Typically Offered: Annually

DR 364 - Solo Performance

(3.00 cr.)
The history, theory, and creation of the one-person show. Topics include historical and contemporary solo performances; biographical solo works; multicharacter solo works; autobiography in solo performances; and the development of frames, concepts, and approaches to the solo format. Students present part of a work-in-progress to the 山ּcommunity.

Prerequisite: DR 350.
Sessions Typically Offered:
Years Typically Offered:

DR 365 - Stage Management

(3.00 cr.)
A thorough analysis of the technical, organizational, and interpersonal aspects of stage management. The focus is on preparing for, running, and archiving rehearsals and performances. Students observe productions, create a prompt book, and complete a major technical management project on a 山ּproduction. Additional topics include theatre staff and their relationship to the stage manager, theatrical unions, and basic crisis management.

Prerequisite: DR 251.
Sessions Typically Offered:
Years Typically Offered:

DR 370 - Queer Theatre and Film

(3.00 cr.)
Examines plays and films from the 1960s to the present that tell stories about alternative sexualities including lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer identities. The course examines a wide range of texts while asking the questions: what makes a play, or a film, queer? How do we define this genre? Why are queer plays and films important? How have they changed over time? How do we, as spectators, engage with these stories? What do they tell us about our lives and the lives of others?

Sessions Typically Offered: Fall/Spring
Years Typically Offered:
Even years
Interdisciplinary Studies:

DR 374 - Theatre Production Internship

(3.00 cr.)
A project based on major involvement in a 山ּtheatre production as an actor, director, assistant director/dramaturg, designer, or stage manager. In addition to full involvement in the rehearsal process, this course involves preproduction research/preparation and a postproduction seminar presentation.

Sessions Typically Offered: Fall/Spring
Years Typically Offered:

DR 375 - Evergreen Players Production

(3.00 cr.)
Engages students in the cast and crew of the April Evergreen Players production in a learning experience that spans the entire spring semester. In addition to a substantial involvement in the creation of a major play or musical production, students are involved in learning about the play through the study of dramaturgy, production history, time period, and other avenues. This course blends the studio instruction of the rehearsal and production process with the more traditional academic learning of the theatre discipline. In addition to the performances, students also complete written reflection assignments to demonstrate their learning. May be repeated twice for degree credit.

Sessions Typically Offered: Spring
Years Typically Offered: Annually

Questions about Theatre Program courses? Contact us.

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