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Instructions and Forms

What is the difference between add/drop, withdrawing, or taking a leave of absence?


Add/Drop refers to the period at the beginning of the semester when students are able to remove or add courses to their schedule, in person or via WebAdvisor. It is recommended that students consult with their advisor or with AASC before adding or removing courses from their schedule. Courses removed during this time will not show up on a student’s transcript. For official deadlines, procedures, and general information on this process, students should refer to the Office of the Registrar Add/Drop web page.

Withdrawal (from a single course)

After Add/Drop has ended, students are still able to withdraw from a course if needed up until halfway through the semester (see the Registrar page or Academic Calendar for Withdrawal deadlines). Withdrawal differs from add/drop in that the student's transcript will show a W for the course. After the withdrawal period has ended, students are not allowed to withdraw from any courses. Students should consult their professor and their advisor or a member of  the Academic Advising and Support Center (AASC) before withdrawing from a course. Intercollegiate athletes must obtain the signature of the academic coordinator for varsity athletics. Failure to comply with the official withdrawal procedure will result in a permanent grade of F or AW (audit withdrawal). For more information on this process, students should refer to the Office of the Registrar Course Withdrawal page.

Withdrawal (from the University)

If a student withdraws from the University, all courses they are registered for will be dropped, and they will lose access to their email and other university accounts. A student may need to withdraw from the University if they have decided to transfer, or they may be withdrawn if they fail to return from a leave of absence. Students who withdraw are able to re-enroll at 山ּthrough the admission process. See the of the 山ּUniversity Catalogue.

Leave of absence

Students have the option to take either a personal or medical leave of absence. (See our Medical Leave of Absence FAQ page for more information about this type of leave.)

(From the ):
"Students may apply for a leave of absence for medical or personal reasons or to study abroad. However, the leave of absence can last for no more than two semesters. If the student takes a leave of absence while on academic or disciplinary probation, s/he must complete the terms of her/his probation upon returning to Loyola. Students who are subject to full dismissal from the University for academic or disciplinary reasons are not eligible for a leave of absence."

"Students applying for a leave must complete the Leave of Absence Form, which can be obtained by contacting the office of the Dean of Undergraduate Studies [see below for more detailed instructions]. They must then consult the financial aid office to determine what effect this leave may have on their financial aid. Usually, students on a leave of absence from the University will not receive transfer credit for courses taken at another institution during the period of the leave. However, prior written permission may be obtained from the Academic Advising and Support Center for any exceptions to this policy.

Upon completion of the leave, students may return to 山ּ under the academic requirements in effect at the time of the departure without completing the regular admission process. Students on an approved leave of absence who do not return at the conclusion of that leave and who do not request an extension of the leave in writing from the Dean of Undergraduate Studies will be withdrawn completely from the University at the conclusion of the first formal add/drop period, which is typically the first week of classes of a semester.” (See the of the 山ּUniversity Catalogue for students who would like to return after being withdrawn.)

Procedures for Leave of Absence, Withdrawal, or Returning from Leave

Below are the procedures for undergraduate students who wish to take a leave of absence, withdraw from the University, or return from a leave of absence. For financial aid purposes, the official start date for students taking a leave of absence or withdrawing from the University is the date of the student's email request from their 山ּemail account or the date that is put on the form, whichever is earlier.  Students are welcome to contact our office with any questions.

Personal Leave of Absence (LOA) 
Required Forms:
  • Leave of Absence Form
  • Change of Registration Form
  1. The student should first meet with the dean or assistant dean of undergraduate studies, depending on their class year, to discuss their decision to take a leave of absence from the University. Students can make an appointment by calling 410-617-5547, e-mailing odugs@loyola.edu or stopping by Maryland Hall 145.
  2. During or after their meeting, the student may come in-person to the ODUGS office (MH 145) or contact odugs@loyola.edu to receive the Leave of Absence and Change of Registration Forms.
  3. The student should complete the top portion of the Leave of Absence Form, being sure to include the date last attended classes. The Leave of Absence Form should be signed by the student, and returned either in person to the office or as a scanned copy to odugs@loyola.edu. The ODUGS office can complete the Change of Registration form for the student if needed. If the student is unable to print the form or unable to come to the office and receive a paper copy, they should contact ODUGS.
  4. Upon receipt of the Leave of Absence form, the ODUGS office will notify the student’s professors and advisor that they will be taking a leave of absence (the reason will not be given). The ODUGS office will use the Change of Registration form to withdraw students from their registered classes.
  5. Upon notification of a Leave of Absence, students are expected to move out of their residence hall and return their key (to either the student’s RA, or to the Office of Residence Life & Housing) within 48 hours. Additionally, a student’s housing for the current semester and spring semester (if applicable) will be cancelled and students will need to contact Residence Life & Housing to secure housing for the semester they plan to return.
  6. Students who take a personal leave of absence, should continue to check their Loyola email regularly while on leave so they do not miss important information or deadlines.
Medical Leave of Absence (MLOA) 

Required Forms:

  • Leave of Absence Form (paper form)
  • Change of Registration Form (paper form)
  • Initial Care Form (online form)
  • Student Approval Letter (sent via e-mail) 
  • After Care Form (online form)


  1. The student should first meet with the dean or assistant dean of undergraduate studies, depending on their class year, to explore their options and discuss their decision to take a medical leave of absence from the University. During or after their meeting, the student may come in-person to the ODUGS (Office of the Dean of the Undergraduate Studies) located in Maryland Hall 145 or contact odugs@loyola.edu to receive the Leave of Absence and Change of Registration Forms.
  2. The student should complete the top portion of the Leave of Absence Form – in particular be sure to include the last day they attended classes. The Leave of Absence Form should be printed, signed by the student, and returned either in person to the office or via a scanned copy to odugs@loyola.edu. The ODUGS office can complete the Change of Registration form for the student if needed. If the student is unable to print the form, or unable to come to the office and receive a paper copy, they should contact odugs@loyola.edu.
  3. Upon receipt of the Leave of Absence form, the ODUGS office will notify the student’s professors and advisor that they will be taking a leave of absence (the reason will not be given). The ODUGS office will use the Change of Registration form to withdraw students from their registered classes and notify other campus offices of the student’s leave of absence.
  4. Students are expected to move out of their residence hall and return their key (to either the student’s RA, or to the Office of Residence Life & Housing) within 48 hours of signing the Leave of absence paperwork. Additionally, a student’s housing for the current semester and spring semester (if applicable) will be cancelled and students will need to contact Residence Life & Housing to secure housing for the semester they plan to return.
  5. The Initial Care Form should be completed by a healthcare provider and submitted to Student Development (sswp@loyola.edu) within 30 days of taking the leave.  A link to the form for the medical provider to complete will be sent to the student via e-mail.
  6. Once the Initial Care Form has been received and approved by the Medical Leave of Absence Review Committee, the student will receive an Approval Letter from ODUGS, including whether they may take classes while on leave.
  7. An After Care Form is to be completed by a healthcare provider at the end of the student's leave of absence, in order for a student's return to campus to be approved (see section on Returning from Medical Leave of Absence for more information).
  8. If the student has been permitted to take courses while on a medical leave, they should contact the Academic Advising and Support Center to have their intended courses pre-approved.
  9. Students on a medical leave of absence should continue to check their 山ּemail regularly while on leave so they do not miss any important information or deadlines.

See also Medical Leave of Absence FAQs

Withdrawal from the University 
Required Forms:
  • Withdrawal Form
  • Change of Registration Form
  • Exit Survey
  1. The student should first meet with the dean or assistant dean of undergraduate studies, depending on their class year to discuss their decision to withdraw from the University. During or after their meeting, the student may come in-person to the ODUGS office (MH 145) or contact odugs@loyola.edu to receive the Leave of Absence and Change of Registration Forms.
  2. During or after this meeting, the student may come in person to the ODUGS office (MH 145) or contact odugs@loyola.edu to receive the Withdrawal Form, Change of Registration Form, and a link to the exit survey.
  3. The Withdrawal form should be printed, signed by the student, and either returned in person to the office or via a scanned copy to odugs@loyola.edu. The ODUGS office can complete the Change of Registration form for the student if needed. If the student is unable to print the form, or unable to come to the office and receive a paper copy, they should contact ODUGS.
  4. Upon receipt of the Withdrawal form, the ODUGS office will notify the student’s professors and advisor that they have withdrawn (a reason will not be given), as well as necessary offices on campus (SAS, Financial Aid, Housing, etc.), and will withdraw student from their registered classes.
  5. Note: Once the withdrawal is processed, the student’s email and other accounts will be closed. Students should make sure to save any necessary files or information from these accounts before submitting their Withdrawal Form.
  6. If the student has been withdrawn and decides to return to the University, they should refer to the of the 山ּUniversity Catalogue.
Extending a Leave of Absence
Required Forms:
  • None
  1. Student should e-mail ODUGS (odugs@loyola.edu) from their 山ּe-mail account of their intent to extend their leave. 
  2. Note that students may only take a leave of absence for a maximum of two consecutive semesters.
  3. No additional forms need to be completed.
Returning from a Personal Leave of Absence
Required Forms:
  • None
  1. Student should inform ODUGS at odugs@loyola.edu of their intent to return from a personal leave of absence.
  2. To register for courses, student should contact their advisor to obtain general permission to register.
  3. No additional forms need to be completed.
  4. If the student intends to live on campus, they will need to contact Residence Life & Housing at residencelife@loyola.edu or 410-617-5081 to secure housing for the semester they plan to return.
Returning from a Medical Leave of Absence
Required Forms:
  • After Care Form
  1. Student should have their healthcare provider complete the After Care Form received with their medical leave of absence Approval Letter.
  2. To register for courses:
    1. Student should contact their advisor to obtain general permission to register.
    2. Once the After Care Form has been submitted:
      • ODUGS will contact the student and inform them if they have been approved to return.
      • If the student has not been approved to return, the student will be notified, and they will be withdrawn from any classes they have registered for.
    3. If the student intends to live on campus, they will need to contact Residence Life & Housing at residencelife@loyola.edu or 410-617-5081 to secure housing once they are cleared to return.
Returning from Disciplinary Leave
  1. Honor Code suspension:
    • Required forms: Student should have received an initial letter from the Honor Council and a second letter from ODUGS outlining the terms of their suspension. Students should refer to the terms in these letters to check what needs to be completed before they are able to return, and should contact Mark Lee at mslee@loyola.edu with any questions.
    • To register for courses:
      • Student should contact their advisor to obtain general permission to register
      • Student should contact ODUGS at odugs@loyola.edu to remove the student's hold. ODUGS will need to verify that the student has completed their terms before lifting this hold. Once the hold has been lifted, the student is cleared to return to campus and register for courses.
    • Housing:
      • If the student intends to live on campus, they will need to contact Residence Life & Housing at residencelife@loyola.edu or 410-617-5081 to secure housing once they have been cleared to return.
  2. Academic suspension:
    • Required forms: Student should have received an initial letter from ODUGS outlining the terms of their suspension. Student should refer to the terms in these letters to check what needs to be completed before they are able to register and return to campus, and should contact odugs@loyola.edu with any questions.
    • To register for courses:
      • Student should contact their advisor to obtain general permission to register
      • Student should contact ODUGS at odugs@loyola.edu to remove the student's hold. ODUGS will need to verify that the student has completed their terms before lifting this hold. Once the hold has been lifted, the student is cleared to return to campus and register for courses.
      • If a student is required to take courses away from 山ּand achieve a specific GPA, the student must submit an official transcript for these courses to the Dean of Undergraduate Studies in order to officially complete this requirement and return to campus.
    • Housing:
      • If the student intends to live on campus, they will need to contact Residence Life & Housing at residencelife@loyola.edu or 410-617-5081 to secure housing once they have been cleared to return.
  3. Other:
    • If a student is returning from a suspension resulting from the student conduct process, the student should contact the Office of Student Conduct for more information on the process of returning to campus.

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