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Travel Information

Travel Letters

All student-athletes will receive their athletic travel letters prior to the first day of class for each semester during their season of competition. Student-athletes must meet with their professor after the first class of the semester to review the travel letter and explain their willingness to make up any missed assignments, tests and exams ahead of time.

Student-athletes are to have the professor/instructor sign a copy of travel schedule and return it to their athletic advisor by the end of the first week of classes. If there are any conflicts with exams and your travel schedule, please encourage the professor to contact the Student-Athlete Support Services Office if they need proctoring services.

Remind your professor one week before each absence that you will be missing class for athletic travel. It is not their responsibility to memorize your travel schedule.

Travel Policy

  • Any student-athlete who is planning to red-shirt or who has red-shirted for their season will not be permitted to travel with their team on any trips.
  • Any student-athlete who is injured and physically unable to compete for a period of time will not be able to travel on class days during that period of time.
  • Post season travel for injured student-athletes will be considered on an individual basis by the director of athletics.