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Room Changes

Room changes to a different suite or apartment are generally not permitted outside of the move week period. Move week is the only open move period of the semester and follows a specific format. We encourage students who are having roommate concerns to work with their roommates so an amicable solution may be found for both parties. In addition, residents can also utilize their resident assistant (R.A.) and other staff in their area to help them navigate their specific challenges.

Bedroom Changes

If you would like to update who is assigned to which bedroom within your unit, please email Residence Life & Housing at residencelife@loyola.edu and carbon-copy (CC) all roommates. In your email, please list who the pairs are and who is in which bedroom. To avoid check-out damage/cleaning fees room assignments must be final by the end of Move Week (3rd week of each semester). Please be sure to read your assignments carefully and update our office if changes are needed.

If you have any questions regarding the bedroom change process, please contact us at residencelife@loyola.edu or 410-617-5081.

Move Week Fall Semester

Fall semester move week will occur Monday, September 18, 2023-Thursday, September 21, 2023. Students who wish to move should read the following information carefully. Move week information is also emailed to students' Ãå±±ÂÖ¼éemail address. 

Pull-In Day & Direct Room Swaps: Monday, September 18, 2023

Monday, September 18, 2023, 10 a.m. to noon and 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.
Office of Residence Life & Housing, Seton Court 08B

Any resident who has a vacancy and has identified the person they wish to fill that vacancy, will need to come to the Office of Residence Life & Housing, along with the individual they wish to have move in and to register the move.

Any residents who want to have a direct room swap, where two residents from different rooms swap spaces with one another, need to register their move by coming to the Office of Residence Life & Housing together.

Proxy Form

If one of the two residents wishing request a room change are unable to come to the Office of Residence Life & Housing, the Absent Resident may complete and sign a Proxy Form and provide the form to the other resident who is directly involved with the switch or pull-in. By signing the Proxy Form, the Absent Resident agrees to accept the room change that the Proxy processes. The Proxy Form is attached to this email or you can download the Proxy Form. You will be asked to sign in using your Loyola credentials. 

Please note: If current roommates of an apartment or suite are switching bedrooms within their apartment, and no new roommate is being pulled-in to the room, there is no need to participate in this process. For switches between residents within the same apartment/suite bedroom changes, please review the Bedroom Change Process in the previous section.

Open Move Period: Tuesday, September 19, 2023 to Thursday, September 21, 2023

Tuesday, September 19 through Thursday, September 21, 10 a.m. to noon and 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.
Office of Residence Life & Housing, Seton Court 08B

Any resident who wishes to move to another place on campus can do so during this period.  In order to register your move, the individual wanting to move needs to come to the Office of Residence Life & Housing.  Any resident who is having difficulty finding a new room should come to the Office of Residence Life & Housing so our staff can assist you. The list of vacancies will be available in the Office of Residence Life & Housing in Seton08B only; this list will not be emailed out. If a student is interested in an Intentional Living Community, Substance Free Housing, or All-Gendered Housing please let Residence Life & Housing know when you request the list.

If you have a vacant space in your unit and you do not pull anyone in, you can complete a Room Profile so that other students can have an idea of the environment in your room. You will be asked to sign in using your Ãå±±ÂÖ¼écredentials.  Be sure to complete this with your current roommates and submit it to residencelife@loyola.edu by 5 p.m. on Monday, September 19, 2023.

It is your responsibility to meet any potential roommates of rooms you are considering (if you wish to do so). Many residents with vacancies have completed Roommate Profile Sheets which are available in the Office of Residence Life & Housing so you can learn more about those residents and their rooms. All moves must be registered in the Office of Residence Life & Housing before you move. 

A complete move includes:

  1. Checking-out with your present RA, completing the move-out portion of your RCR and turning-in your key to Residence Life & Housing (Seton 08B) within 24 hours.
  2. Checking-in with your new RA, picking-up your new key at Residence Life & Housing (Seton 08B), and completing an RCR for your new room.

Additional Information

First-year students may move into any Campion Tower Floors 5-9, Thea Bowman Hall, Hopkins Court, or Butler/Hammerman spaces only.

Questions about Move Week may be directed to The Office of Residence Life & Housing at 410-617-5081 or email residencelife@loyola.edu. 

Move Week Spring Semester

Spring semester move week will occur Monday, January 29, 2024-Thursday, February 1, 2024. Students who wish to move should read the following information carefully. Move week information is also emailed to students' Ãå±±ÂÖ¼éemail address. 


Pull-In Day & Direct Room Swaps: Monday, January 29, 2024

Monday, January 29, 2024, 10 a.m. to noon and 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.
Office of Residence Life & Housing, Seton Court 08B

Any resident who has a vacancy and has identified the person they wish to fill that vacancy, will need to come to the Office of Residence Life & Housing, along with the individual they wish to have move in and to register the move.

Any residents who want to have a direct room swap, where two residents from different rooms swap spaces with one another, need to register their move by coming to the Office of Residence Life & Housing together.


Proxy Form

If one of the two residents wishing request a room change are unable to come to the Office of Residence Life & Housing, the Absent Resident may complete and sign a Proxy Form and provide the form to the other resident who is directly involved with the switch or pull-in. By signing the Proxy Form, the Absent Resident agrees to accept the room change that the Proxy processes. The Proxy Form is attached to this email or you can download the Proxy Form. You will be asked to sign in using your Loyola credentials. 

Please note: If current roommates of an apartment or suite are switching bedrooms within their apartment, and no new roommate is being pulled-in to the room, there is no need to participate in this process. For switches between residents within the same apartment/suite bedroom changes, please review the Bedroom Change Process in the previous section.


Open Move Period: Tuesday, January 30, 2024 to Thursday, February 1, 2024

Tuesday, January 30 through Thursday, February 1, 10 a.m. to noon and 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.
Office of Residence Life & Housing, Seton Court 08B

Any resident who wishes to move to another place on campus can do so during this period.  In order to register your move, the individual wanting to move needs to come to the Office of Residence Life & Housing.  Any resident who is having difficulty finding a new room should come to the Office of Residence Life & Housing so our staff can assist you. The list of vacancies will be available in the Office of Residence Life & Housing in Seton08B only; this list will not be emailed out. If a student is interested in an Intentional Living Community, Substance Free Housing, or All-Gendered Housing please let Residence Life & Housing know when you request the list.

If you have a vacant space in your unit and you do not pull anyone in, you can complete a Room Profile so that other students can have an idea of the environment in your room. You will be asked to sign in using your Ãå±±ÂÖ¼écredentials.  Be sure to complete this with your current roommates and submit it to residencelife@loyola.edu by 5 p.m. on Monday, January 30, 2024.

It is your responsibility to meet any potential roommates of rooms you are considering (if you wish to do so). Many residents with vacancies have completed Roommate Profile Sheets which are available in the Office of Residence Life & Housing so you can learn more about those residents and their rooms. All moves must be registered in the Office of Residence Life & Housing before you move. 

A complete move includes:


  1. Checking-out with your present RA, completing the move-out portion of your RCR and turning-in your key to Residence Life & Housing (Seton 08B) within 24 hours.
  2. Checking-in with your new RA, picking-up your new key at Residence Life & Housing (Seton 08B), and completing an RCR for your new room.

Additional Information

First-year students may move into any Campion Tower Floors 5-9, Thea Bowman Hall, Hopkins Court, or Butler/Hammerman spaces only.

Questions about Move Week may be directed to The Office of Residence Life & Housing at 410-617-5081 or email residencelife@loyola.edu.

Moving to a new room outside of the move week period

Residence Life & Housing does not typically permit moves to a new space outside of the move week period. Please read the following information very carefully so that you understand the process.

Talk to your Resident Assistant (R.A.)

  • Your RA will provide you with information about your options for resolving the room issue/s you are currently having; including conflict coaching/facilitated dialogue and tips for talking with roommates.
  • At this time, you may choose to approach your roommate/s on your own.

Roommate meeting

  • Can include your RA depending on your level of comfort.
  • This is an opportunity to revisit the Roommate Agreement Form and consult all roommates for possible updates to this document. You should be prepared with any edits you may want to see on the document, but you should also be prepared to compromise with your roommates. 
  • Your RA can facilitate this discussion between you and your roommates, in which there is an opportunity for everyone involved to express thoughts, feelings, and concerns about the room situation. This is also your opportunity to express new preferences and develop new boundaries for your room in consultation with all of your roommates as a group.

Talk to your Area Coordinator (AC)

  • If there is no consensus or there is dissatisfaction after the meeting with your roommates and RA, set up a meeting with your AC to discuss your concerns. 
  • In most instances, the AC will revisit the discussion with you and all of your roommates. Sometimes, area staff may choose to meet with the other roommates separately before the group meeting to gain understanding of their perspectives; please be prepared for this possibility.

If your AC believes that a room change is appropriate, they will provide the Housing Operations team within Residence Life & Housing with a Room Change Request. Following the request, someone from the Housing Operations team within Residence Life & Housing will contact you with next steps in the Room Change Process.

NOTE: this is contingent upon the availability of vacant spaces

  • After you decide on a new space, the following steps must be completed to ensure a successful move.
  • Obtain your new key
  • Obtain card access to new building (if applicable)
  • Move out of your old room within 24-48hrs (set up appointment with old Resident Assistant to inspect your room prior to returning your key)
  • Return your old key to the Residence Life & Housing office (failure to return your key by the deadline set will result in a $100 rekey charge) within 48 hours
  • Check into your new space with your RA (update the Room Condition Report as needed to avoid being billed for preexisting damages at the end of the year)

Helpful Tips

  • Room changes are viewed as the last option in the case of a roommate conflict.
  • Please keep in mind that Area staff and Residence Life & Housing office staff typically work between the hours of 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. If you attempt to contact staff outside of these hours (whether through email, phone, etc.) they will respond to you usually within the next business day.
  • The Office of Residence Life & Housing cannot guarantee the bed space type or specific building location for mid-semester moves.

Contact Us

Residence Life & Housing: 410-617-5081

If you or your student are currently experiencing an emergency, please call Campus Police at 410-617-5911. You may also ask to speak to a member of the Residence Life & Housing On-Call Team.