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Faculty & Staff Giving

As a member of Loyola’s dedicated community of faculty, staff, and administrators, you are one of the University’s greatest resources and most passionate supporters. You create our community every day by investing your time and talent in the University and our students. You can extend your contributions to include philanthropy by making a personally significant gift each year.

How to Give

Payroll deduction is an easy way to make your annual donation through installments. You may initiate a deduction at any time:

  1. Use our secure online  -or-
  2. Contact Payroll to get started

Faculty, Administrators, and Affiliates (24 pay periods)

$4.17 x 24 pay periods = $100
$20.84 x 24 pay periods = $500
$77.17 X 24 pay periods = $1,852*
Staff (26 pay periods)

$3.85 x 26 pay periods = $100
$19.24 x 26 pay periods = $500
$71.24 x 26 pay periods = $1,852*

*Gifts of $1,852 or more qualify for the President's Society, our leadership annual giving society.

Make a gift using our secure online giving form.

Checks may be directed to:

Annual Giving
4501 North Charles St.
Baltimore, MD 21210

Call the office of annual giving at 410-617-2296.

To discuss future gifts to Ãå±±ÂÖ¼éof your retirement plan assets, life insurance or gifts through your will or revocable trust, contact the Office of Planned Giving at 410-617-2797 or plannedgiving@loyola.edu. You can also learn more at our Planned Giving page.



Why is charitable support to Ãå±±ÂÖ¼éimportant?

Like all nonprofits, Ãå±±ÂÖ¼érelies on a combination of revenue and philanthropy to supply our budget. Each year, it becomes increasingly important for Ãå±±ÂÖ¼éto fund a bigger portion of the budget from philanthropy; thereby, decreasing our reliance on tuition revenue. At present, 99% of Ãå±±ÂÖ¼éstudents receive some form of financial aid, and most of that assistance provided by Loyola. Institutional aid is critical to helping to make an exceptional Ãå±±ÂÖ¼éeducation possible and accessible to even more students.

Can I designate my gift?

Tell us where to direct your support--student scholarships, a specific school or academic program, department or facilities. If you don't have a preference, we encourage you to choose the Evergreen Annual Fund. Gifts to the Evergreen Annual Fund help meet Loyola’s greatest financial challenge, which is funding need-based financial aid for deserving students.

How much should I contribute?

You determine the size and designation of your gift according to your own charitable priorities and capacity. Gifts of all sizes are both appreciated and count toward our participation rate. High participation among faculty, staff, and administrators stands as an endorsement of the University.

What is payroll deduction?

is one of the most convenient ways for faculty, staff, and administrators to make an annual gift. You simple indicate the amount you would like automatically deducted from each paycheck, the start date, and where your support should be designated. Deductions can be established as ongoing, or one-time. Payroll deduction can be a great way to spread out payments and ensure a certain total for the year.