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Emerging Media Learning Aims

Master of Arts in Emerging Media Learning Aims

Master Knowledge and Skills:

  • Master the technological and communication skills and knowledge appropriate to emerging media.
  • Synthesize knowledge using interdisciplinary approaches including sociological, psychological, cultural as well as applied business and marketing strategies.
  • Acquire the ability to continue professional development and life-long learning through learned adaptability to the use of new and emerging media.

Think Critically:

  • Access, analyze and evaluate information effectively.
  • Disseminate and communicate information effectively through the deployment of new and emerging media.

Manifest Leadership and Social Responsibility in the Workplace and Community:

  • Understand and value individual differences—with particular awareness of the technology “haves” and “have-nots”— and have the skills and sensitivity for working effectively in a diverse and changing world.
  • Comprehend the ethical principles appropriate to the field of communication, have the ability to identify ethical dilemmas such as issues regarding privacy and civic duty, and understand the frameworks for selecting and defending a right course of action based on a sound ethical grounding in Jesuit principles.
  • Contribute professionally and personally to the broader community through the participation in community service projects.
  • Consider issues of justice in making decisions, with particular regard for those who do not have access to communication media and those who may not be savvy users of communication media.

These aims may be summarized as:

  • The skills to strategically evaluate emerging media platforms and related technologies;
  • The vision to create programs, campaigns, and content utilizing new and emerging digital platforms;
  • The ability to investigate and explain the legal, economic, social, political, and cultural impacts of new and emerging media; and
  • The background to identify new communication opportunities for helping to create a socially just world.

Health Communication Specialization and Certificate Learning Aims

  • Understand the impact of digital media on communication processes associated with health and well-being.
  • Master the skills, methods, and knowledge needed to effectively utilize new communication technology in health communication.
  • Conduct research, analyze and synthesize online and offline data to assess the impact of communication processes on health and well-being, and to communicate those findings in actionable ways.
  • Develop as leaders in health communication with a sense of social responsibility through understanding and valuing individual differences and applying ethical principles appropriate to health and well-being.