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Summer Grants and Fellowships

We congratulate our many past recipients, listed below along with their projects.

Summer of '23

  • Kate Izzo '26 won a stipend for summer study to participate in the San Gemini Preservation Studies Program in San Gemini, Umbria to study the Restoration of Traditional Masonry Buildings in Italy and the Sketching and Analysis of Historic Buildings.
  • Leah Rottler-Gurley '26 won a stipend for summer study to participate in "Castles in Communities" an archaeological and anthropological field school in Ballintober, Ireland. 
  • Jason Rowe '26 won a stipend for summer study to participate in "Excavating in the Aegean: The Despotiko Field School" an archaeological field school on the islands of Paros and Despotiko, Greece.
  • Robbie Buhite '24 (Classics and English) won a student summer fellowship to work on "Echoes of Ancient Greek Lyric in Catullus' Carmina" under the direction of Dr. Aaron Palmore
  • Christina Guerra '23 (Classical Civilization and Art History) won a student summer fellowship to work on "Researching Medieval Manuscripts at Ăĺ±±ÂÖĽéNotre Dame Library" under the direction of Dr. Kerry Boeye.

Summer of '22

  • Christina Guerra '23 won a Stipend for Summer Study to participate in an archaeological dig at the Sanctuary of Apollo Amyklaios in Sparta run by the Hellenic Research Council.

Summer of '20

  • Patrick Waters '22 won a Stipend for Summer Study to study spoken Latin at the "total immersion" program of the Academia Vivarium Novum summer school in Rome.  (Cancelled due to Covid)

Summer of '18

  • Megan Adlem '19 won a Stipend for Summer Study to participate in the College Year in Athens archaeological program "Excavating in the Aegean: The Case of Despotiko." 

Summer of '17

  • Kelly Mueller '18 won a Student Summer Fellowship to work "Josephus and Flavian Rome: An Examination of the Effects of Flavian Rome on Flavius Josephus."
  • Joshua Ziesel '17 won a stipend for Summer Study to study German at the Goethe Institute in Berlin.
  • Katie Wright '17 won a stipend for Summer Study to participate in the Troia Archaeological field school at the Roman fortress of Halmyris in Murighiol, Romania.
  • Ian McNeeley '17 won a Student Summer Fellowship to work on "The Female Ideal: Representation and Myth in Heliodorus' Aithiopika".
  • Calix O'Hara '17 won a Student Summer Fellowship to work on the "The Transcription and Analysis of Sentences Commentaries."
  • Rebecca Swerdlow '17 (minor) won a Student Summer Fellowship to work on "Mariana Mirroring Penelope."
  • Joshua Ziesel '17 won a Student Summer Fellowship to work on "A Corpus-Based Linguistic Study of Greek Tragic Interjections in Roman New Comedy."
  • Ashley Buzzanca '18 won a Grant for Unpaid Internship to spend the summer working in the archives of the Western Reserve Historical Society.

Summer of ’15

  • Joshua Ziesel ’17 won a Student Summer Fellowship to research the Greek demonstrative "that" (ekeinos) for a paper titled, "A Corpus-Based Linguistic Study of Ekeinos in Lysias."
  • Kjerstin Burdiek ’17 won a Student Summer Fellowship to write a paper on Alexander the Great, titled "Son of Ammon, Son of Zeus: Alexander the Great and Multicultural Mythmaking."
  • Calix O'Hara ’17 won a Student Summer Fellowship to study the strength of ancient armor in "Testing the Efficacy of Ancient Greek Linen Body Armor."  Calix also received a Hauber Summer Research Fellowship for a related project, "Determining the ballistic resistance and effectiveness of historic linen body armor."
  • Katie Wright ’17 won a Stipend for Summer Study to go on the College Year in Athens' summer program: Excavating in the Aegean: The Case of Despotiko. The program begins with one week in the archaeological museum on Paros, working with artifacts from Despotiko, an important archaic sanctuary of Apollo, and then moves to three weeks of on-site archaeological work at the sanctuary where students are trained in proper excavation techniques. 
  • Michele Ryan ’17, a double-major in Classical Civilization and Biology (with a chemistry minor), won a Stipend for Summer Study to participate in the program "Archaeological Anthropology in Crete" where she will help with forensic anthropological analysis and field/lab illustration of human skeletal remains from the late Iron age burial ground in Eleutherna, Crete.

Summer of ’14

  • Natalie Tsottles ’16 won a National Fellowships Office Summer Research Grant for her project "Faith, Hope, and Love in the thought of Peter Gracilis." Natalie will be creating an original transcription, of a Latin manuscript folio from Peter Gracilis' Commentary on The Sentences, which will contribute to the critical edition of this text. She will then read the text for content and develop a commentary on the philosophical and theological content of the text, that will focus on the nature of faith, what it is, and how it is acquired.
  • Shawn Turner ’16 won his second Stipend for Internship to intern at St. Ignatius Loyola Academy where he will teach a Humanities course and will otherwise help out with the teaching of Latin and the mentoring of students.

Summer of ’13

  • Mitch Corwin ’14 won a Stipend for Summer Study to travel to Athens to participate in the summer program of the American School of Classical Studies in Greece. 
  • Natalie Tsottles â€™16 won a Stipend for Summer Study to attend a two-week long program in spoken Latin and pedagogy, hosted by the North American Institute for Living Latin Studies. 
  • Shawn Turner ’16 won a Stipend for Internship to intern at St. Ignatius Ăĺ±±ÂÖĽéAcademy where he will teach a Humanities course and will otherwise help out with the teaching of Latin and the mentoring of students. 

Summer of ’12

  • Sidney Christman ’13 won a Student Summer Fellowship to research gender roles in Athenian drama for her paper "What Nature Suits Us For: Gender in Athenian Drama." Sidney focused on a comparison of gender ideologies in Aristophanes’ Ecclesiazusai and Sophocles’ Antigone

Summer of ’11

  • Gavin Blasdel ’12 won a Student Summer Fellowship to conduct preliminary research for his Senior Honors thesis by working on his paper “Misunderstanding and Miscalculation: Roman Administration, Policy and Attitudes in Judaea, 63 BC – 70 AD.”
  • Sarah Haley ’13 won a Stipend for Summer Study to attend the American College of Thessaloniki where she studied Modern Greek and Ancient Greek Art.
  • Sidney Christman ’13 won a Stipend for Internships to help fund her internship at the Maryland Historical Society.

Summer ’09

  • Caitlin Engler ’10 won a Stipend for Summer Study to attend Arcadia University’s summer program in Greece: “Of Gods and the City: History, Art, and Architecture in Archaic and Classical Greece.”

Summer of ’08

  • Nathan Zawie ’09 won a Stipend for Summer Study to attend the summer session of the American School of Classical Studies in Greece.

Summer of ’06

  • Irene Murphy ’08 won a Stipend for Summer Study to attend the Virgilian Society’s course “Cumae III: Naples Bay as Melting Pot” and to take an Intensive Modern Greek course on the island of Paros.
  • Nate Zawie ’09 won a Student Summer Fellowship to attend Fr. Reginal Foster’s spoken Latin program in Rome “Aestiva Romae Latinitas.”

Summer of ’04

  • Treasa Beyer ’05 won a Student Summer Fellowship to work on her project “The Loves of Jupiter: Renaissance and Rococo Rekindling of Ancient Lust” under the direction of Dr. Walsh.Treasa conducted her research at the National Gallery, the Walters Art Gallery and the Metropolitan Museum of Art.

Summer of ’03

  • Miska Vincze ’04 won a Student Summer Fellowship to work on the paper “Who was the Goddess Nemesis?” under the direction of Dr. Taylor. Miska conducted his research while attending the summer session of the American School of Classical Studies in Athens.

Summer of ’00

  • Lee Wilson won a Student Summer Fellowship to work on her paper “Three Wise Men and a Deity: An Investigation of Isis in The Magic Flute” under the direction of Dr. Walsh.

Summer of ’98

  • Anne Garner won a Student Summer Fellowship to work on her paper “Herodotus, Politics and the Pythia: The Historian’s Characterization of Athens and Lacedaemonia in Oracular Episodes” under the direction of Dr. Taylor

Summer of ’97

  • Anne Garner ’98 won a Student Summer Fellowship to work on the paper “The Recent Use of Pottery to Date the Agora” under the direction of Dr. Taylor. Anne conducted her research at the American School of Classical Studies in Athens.

Summer of ’94

  • William Desmond ’95 won a Student Summer Fellowship to work on his project “Heroic Anger in the Iliad and in Tain Bo Cuailgne” under the direction of Dr. Taylor.

Summer of ’92

  • Kristen Gay won a Student Summer Fellowship to continue her work on her project “Rural Sanctuaries on the Paximadhi Peninsula” under the direction of Dr. Keller, Field Director of the Southern Euboea Exploration Project and Dr. Walsh.

Summer of ’91

  • Kristen Gay won a Student Summer Fellowship to continue her work on her project “Rural Sanctuaries on the Paximadhi Peninsula” under the direction of Dr. Keller, Field Director of the Southern Euboea Exploration Project and Dr. Walsh.

Contact Us

Dr. Martha Taylor
Department Chair
Humanities Building, Room 321b

Nadine Fenchak
Program Assistant
Humanities Building, Room 322A