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Whether you are a student of classics or an interested member of the 山ּcommunity, the Classics Department invites you to join us at the following events:


  • Matt Amt will be presenting "The Roman Legionary as Living History" on Wednesday October 23, 6pm in KHB01.
  • Dr. Najee Olya will be presenting ""Before Color Prejudcie?" The Construction of Race in Classical and Ancient mediterranean Studies 1947-Present". Monday November 4 at 6pm in KHB03

Past Events


  • Thursday, January 25, 2024, 6:00 pm. Dr. Aaron Palmore, "Sulpicia: A Woman's Voice in Roman Love Poetry" KHB03


  • Monday, February 19th, 2024, 6:00pm. Janet Stephens, "A Really Bad Hair Day in Ancient Rome. The Science behind Ovid's Amores 1:14" KHB03

roman hairstyle 24 Classics Department Photo

  • Thursday, February 29, 2024, 7:30pm. Chesapeake Shakespeare Company's production by Ellen McGlaughlin of Aeschylus's Please contact Dr. Taylor if you are interested. 


  • Wednesday, March 14th, 2024, 6:30 McGuire Hall. Humanities Keynote Address, "Remembering Wonder: A Reckoning," By Aimee Nezhukumatathil
  • April 18, 2024, 6:00 pm - Professor Miola's Roman Comedy Students Performed their Translations of Roman Comedy - Black Box Theatre  (Behind Starbucks)

FALL 2023

  • Thursday, September 7, 2023, 7:00 pm Odds Bodkin Performing "The Belly of the Beast" in McGuire East

    ODDS Bodkin 23
  • Study Abroad Event - Date/Time TBA late September/Early October
  • Monday, October 23, 4:00pm - location TBA - Professor Kathryn Wilson, "Colonizing the Past: Situating Ancient Race in Place and Time."
  • Wednesday, November 29, 4:30 - location TBA - The Ara Pacis - Professor Martha Taylor

Spring 2023

"Slavery in Ancient Rome and Antebellum Maryland," Dr. Alex Cushing, 山ּUniversity Maryland, Monday January 30, KH B03, 6:30pm

cushing flyer

"Exploring the Ancient Arctic Seas," Ms. Kathryn Stutz, Johns Hopkins University, Tuesday, February 28, KH B03, 6:30pm 

stutz flyer

Humanities Keynote Lecture, Julie Otsuka, author "When the Emperor was Devine," Wednesday, March 26, McGuire Hall, 6:30pm

"The Physical Layout of Rome: A Brief Guide," Dr. Thomas McCreight, 山ּUniversity Maryland, Thursday, April 13 KH B03, 6:30pm

Fall 2022

  • Odds Bodkin will be performing "The Iliad: Book 1," on Thursday, September 8, 2022. 7:00pm in McGuire Hall West odds odkin plays harp
  • Late September/Early October - Classics Study Abroad Event  TBA
  • Matt Amt to perform "The Roman Soldier as Living History" Thursday, October 27, 2022. 7:00pm in Knott Hall B01.
  • Dr. Martha Talyor "What Makes an Aristogeiton?" - Wednesday, November 16th, 2022. 6:30pm in Knott Hall B01.

Spring 2022

  • Dr. Aaron Palmore presented"Why Latin Love Poems Matter" (2/4/22) Knott Hall B01 5:00pmPalmore lecture 2020 flyer
  • Humanities Symposium Keynote Address on The Left Hand of Darkness
  • Dr. Jennifer Gerrish, College of Charleston, on "Translating Ceasar"
  • Students of Dr. Miola: "The Dark Side: Scenes from Seneca and Shakespeare"

Fall 2021

  • Odds Bodkin performing "The Belly of the Beast: The Odyssey"
  • Dr. Martha Taylor, 山ּUniversity, on "Arches and Columns from Rome to Baltimore"
  • Dr. Joseph Walsh, 山ּUniversity, on "The Great Fire of Rome"
  • Dr. Janet Stephens, forensic hair archaeologist, on "In Capillis Veritas: A Roman Bad Hair Day"

Spring 2021

  • Dr. Thomas McCreight, 山ּ, on "Ancient Greek and Roman Magic

Fall 2020

  • Odds Bodkin performed "The Iliad: Book 1"

Spring 2020

  • Dramatic Reading of Sophocles's Philoctetes by . Followed by a panel discussion of the effects of war on military veterans and their families. (2/20/20)
  • Phil Klay, Humanities Symposium Keynote Address on Redeployment
  • Dr. Aaron Palmore, 山ּUniversity, "Why Latin Love Poetry Matters"

Spring 2019

  • The Roman Soldier as Living History Presented by Matthew AMT
    matthew amt lecture flyer

Fall 2018

  • Odds Bodkin performed "The Iliad, Book 1" Antigone Performance, McManus Theater
  • Dr. Robert Miola, 山ּUniversity, on "Ancient, Early Modern and Modern Antigones"
  • Dr. Harriet Fertig, University of New Hampshire, on "Imagining Freedom: W.E.B. DuBois and Cicero on Speech and Citizenship"

Spring 2018

  • Dr. Joseph Walsh, 山ּUniversity on "Roman Spectacles" 
  • Dr. Laura Garofalo, 山ּUniversity on "Roman Pompeii"

A student wears armor and performs in Knott Hall Basement Classroom

Fall 2017

  • Odds Bodkin performing “The Odyssey: The Belly of the Beast” - a live-performance retelling of Odysseus’ adventures in Troy and with the Cyclops. (9/14/17)
  • Dr. Dustin Dixon, Grinnell College, on “Classical Tragedy and Horror Films.” (10/16/17)
  • Janet Stephens, amateur forensic archaeologist (11/13/17)
  • Dr. Joseph Walsh, 山ּCollege, on “Roman Spectacles” (11/30/17)

Spring 2017

  • Classical Civilization and History Double major wins Research Fulbright grant to Belgium. Read the story.
  • How Loyola’s Honors Program inspires students to take an interdisciplinary journey.
  • Department of Fine Arts Current Exhibit: Fractured Histories: Ancient Greek Pottery from Haverford’s Allen Collection  

Christensen presents at the front of a lecture hall

Fall 2016

  • Odds Bodkin performs "The Illiad Book 1"  (9/15/16)
  • The Big Dig: Students Present Summer Work (10/1/16)
    • Katie Wright, Summer Study: Troia Archaeological Summer School and Halmyris Excavation
    • Ian McNeely, Research Fellowship: “The Female Ideal: Representation and Myth in Heliodorus’ Aithiopika”
    • Kelly Keenan, Research Fellowship: “Narratives of Women in the Rwandan Genocide”
    • Joshua Ziesel, “A Corpus-Based Linguistic Study of Greek Tragic Interjections in Roman New Comedy”
    • Calix O’Hara, Research Fellowship: “The Transcription and Analysis of Sentences Commentaries”
    • Joshua Ziesel, German Study at the Goethe Institute
    • Margaret Kenna, Internship, Hartford Superior Court: The Office of the Public Defender (Judicial District/Part A)
    • Rebeccah Swerdlow, Research Fellowship: “Mariana Mirroring Penelope: A Case of Classical Influence on Pre-Raphaelite Painting”
    • Kelly Mueller, Internship at Western Reserve Historical Society
  • “Cicero on How to Win an Election”  – Philip Freeman (10/4/16)
  • “Caesar: the General, the Historian, and his Self-Portrait in The Gallic War,” (10/6/16)

Marden Nichols presents near a projector screen

Spring 2016

  • Bustrip to National Gallery in Washington, DC for the exhibit “Power and Pathos: Bronze Sculpture of the Hellenistic World,”  (2/6/16)
  • Sara Monoson, “Socrates in the Vernacular,” Humanities Symposium (3/10/16)
  • Joseph Walsh, “Nero and the Great Fire of Rome,” (3/31/16)
  • Dustin Dixon, “Zeus the Clown-Gatherer: Greek and Roman Mockery of the Divine,” (4/21/16)
  • Spring Party (4/24/16)

Fall 2015

  • Odds Bodkin, performing “The Odyssey: Belly of the Beast” (9/10/15)
  • American Shakespeare Company’s Method in Madness Tour –   Performance of Julius Caesar (9/25/15)
  • Screening of 300 (10/27/15)
  • Martha Taylor, “Roman Arches and Columns Past and Present” (11/5/15)>
  • Dr. Luca Graverini, University of Sienna, Arezzo campus,  “Under a Harlot Mistress: Circe in the Latin West" (12/1/15)


Spring 2015

  • Matt Amt talks about Greek armor and weapons.(1/29/15)
  • Dr. Miola (Loyola) presents his current research with talk titled "Realms of Gold? Chapman's Iliad." (4/9/15)

Fall 2014

  • Dr. Marden Nichols (Georgetown University) speaks about "Pompeii in America." (11/13/14)
  • "Conversations with Oedipus," a 3-day symposium on the contemporary value of ancient drama, featuring talks by Dr. David Jacobson (Loyola), Dr. Al Duncan (University of Utah, Salt Lake City), and an "original practices" production of Sophocles' Oedipus the King, performed by the 2014 Randolph College Greek Play and directed by Amy R. Cohen (Randolph College). Listen to Dr. Jacobson describe it on this .

A teacher poses with a student during a performance in classSpring 2014

  • Dr. David Jacobson (Loyola) discusses "Onomastics in The Hunger Games: the case of Plutarch Heavensbee." (4/9/14)
  • Dr. Keith R. Bradley (University of Notre Dame) speaks on “The Bitter Chain of Slavery” as part of this year’s Hanna Geldrich-Leffman Colloquium on Language, Literature and Society, on the theme of “Slavery Through the Ages.” (4/2/14)
  • Ms. Janet Stephens presents “Ovid's Cosmetology: the hair science behind Amores 1.14,” and demonstrates Roman hairstyles on the students! (3/20/14)
  • Dr. Jeffrey Stout (Princeton University) delivers this year’s Humanities Symposium keynote lecture on “Walking in Our Sleep: Conformity and Transformation in Thoreau's Walden.” (3/13/14)
  • Dr. Joel Christensen (University of Texas at San Antonio) speaks on “Emerging from the Cyclops' Cave: Odysseus' Odyssey and Breaking Bad's Walter White.” (2/6/14)

Fall 2013

  • Professor Erich Gruen (UC Berkeley), “Did Ancient Identity Depend on Ethnicity?” (11/19/13)
  • Dr. David Jacobson's Latin 104 class celebrates the anniversary of Cicero's first speech against Catiline with a performance in Latin and English.  It remains a mystery why Iron Man was there. (11/8/13)

Students in classroom gather for group photo in costume Cicero performance by students in class

  • Dr. Nandini Pandey and her students, “Reading Rome through Vergil” (10/29/13)
    Dr. Nandini and students behind a podium in a classroom
  • Matt Amt presents on Roman armor and weapons (10/1/13)
    Matt Amy in armor, with a sword and shield, in a classroom

Spring 2013

  • Athena Kirk, Mellon Junior Faculty fellow, Washington and Lee University speaks on "Eating Meat in Ancient Greece" (4/11/13)
  • Sidney Christman, senior Classics major and History minor, 山ּ, presents her research on "The Forms and Functions of Smiling in Homer's Iliad" (4/5/13)
  • Martha Taylor speaks on "Arches and Columns from Rome to Baltimore" (1/31/13)
  • Joseph Walsh speaks on "Ancient Rhetoric and the Letter from Birmingham City Jail" (2/19/13)
  • J. Kameron Carter, Ph.D., professor at the Duke University Divinity School delivers the Humanities Symposium Keynote Address on "The Postracial Blues: Martin Luther King's Jailhouse Intervention." (3/14/13)
  • Athena Kirk, Mellon Junior Faculty fellow, Washington and Lee University speaks on "Eating Meat in Ancient Greece" (4/11/13)

Fall 2012

  • Matt Amt demonstrates Greek military armor (10/2/12)
  • T Dr Nandini Pandey speaks on Augustan Art (10/23/12)
  • Dr Joe Walsh presents Roman History in a Nutshell (11/13/12)

Spring 2012

We are delighted with the choice of Aristophanes’ Lysistrata, a vibrant and thought-provoking ancient comedy on gender, power, and conflict, as the focus of the 2012 Humanities Symposium. We hope that you will join us for some of the many exciting interdisciplinary events of the symposium, including performances of the play itself by 山ּstudents directed by Natka Bianchini.

  • Performances of Lysistrata (2/17/12 - 2/25/12)
  • 山ּDistinguished Scholars lecture: “Dressed, Addressed, Redressed: Aristophanes in England,” Robert Miola (3/13/12)
  • Humanities Symposium keynote address: "Lysistrata through the Ages," a survey of the play's performance, translation, and reception in the 2,422 years since its first production by Jeffrey Henderson, William Goodwin Aurelio professor of Greek language and literature at Boston University (3/15/12)
  • “Cicero on your iPad,” James J. O’Donnell, Provost, Georgetown University (2/29/12)

Fall 2011

  • Noted storyteller Odds Bodkin performs selections from Homer's Iliad 1 (9/8/11)
  • Demonstration on Roman legions by (10/5/11)
  • Classics Professor Martha Taylor speaks on Vergil (11/8/11)
  • Classically-themed special exhibit at the Walters Art Museum entitled "" (10/16/11 - 1/1/11)

Spring 2011

  • Tom McCreight speaks on “Rome. An Introduction to the City.” (2/17/11)
  • Dr. Kelly DeVries speaks on “Actium Shore: Reality TV Starring Cleopatra, Antony and Octavian” (3/28/11)
  • Dr. Hugh Lee, University of Maryland, College Park, speaks on “The Revival of Greek Athletics in the Renaissance,”(4/19/11)

Fall 2010

  • Odds Bodkin, a modern-day Orpheus, performs “The Odyssey: Belly of the Beast,” September 16, 7 p.m. McGuire West
  • Martha Taylor speaks on “Women in the Ancient World” October 21, Knott B2, 7 p.m.
  • Joe Walsh speaks on “Roman History in a Nutshell” October 5, 7 p.m., Knott B2
  • A screening of Agora with Rachel Weisz. 11/22 in the Reading Room, 7 p.m.

Spring 2010

  • Wednesday, February 3, 2010, 7 p.m., Knott Hall B01, Thomas McCreight (山ּUniversity Maryland), "Rome: The Layout of the City"
  • Thursday, February 25, 2010, 7 p.m., Knott Hall B01, Martha Taylor (山ּUniversity Maryland), "Vergil's Aeneid: An Introduction"
  • Wednesday, March 24, 2010, 7 p.m., Knott Hall B01, Judith Hallett (University of Maryland, College Park), "Lectrix and Scriptrix: Women as Readers and Writers in Rome"
  • Thursday, April 22, 2010, 7 p.m., Knott Hall B01, Luca Graverini (University of Siena, Arezzo), "Philosophy in the Ancient Novels"

Fall 2009

  • Tues. 22 Sept., 7 p.m., KH B01.  Joseph Walsh, 山ּ, "Race and Culture in the Roman Empire."
  • Wed. 21 Oct., 7 p.m., KH B03.  John Jacobs, 山ּ, "Roman Epic After Vergil."
  • Thurs. 5 Nov., 7 p.m., AWSC 4th Floor.  Thomas McCreight, 山ּ, "Ancient Heroes in Baltimore."
  • Sun. 8 Nov., 11-3. Walters Art Museum, Baltimore, MD.  Excursion to special exhibit on ancient heroes.  Students must bring 山ּID.

Spring 2009

  • Lecture by Matthew McDaniel, Undergraduate, 山ּCollege in Maryland, "Judaism and Christianity," sponsored by Catholic Studies, Thursday, Feb. 19, 5 p.m., College Center Conference Rooms 113/114.
  • Lecture by Joseph J. Walsh, Professor of Classics, 山ּCollege in Maryland, "Rome in a Nutshell," Monday, Feb. 23, 7 p.m., Knott Hall 01.
  • Matthew Roller, Professor of Classics, Johns Hopkins University, "Horizontal Women: Gender and Dining Customs in Ancient Rome," Mon. March 23, 5 p.m., 4th Floor Programming Room, Andrew White Student Center.
  • Steven Mason, York University, Toronto, Cardin Lecture: "'Judaism and Christianity': a Category Mistake?", Monday, April 20, 7 p.m., 4thFloor Programming Room or McGuire Hall, TBA.

Fall 2008

  • Lecture by Professor Nora Chapman, "What Josephus Sees: The Temple of Peace and the Jerusalem Temple as Spectacle in Text and Art," Monday, Oct. 6, 5 p.m., Fourth Floor Programming Space.
  • Theatrical adaptation of Homer's Odyssey by Mary Zimmerman in McManus Theater, Oct. 24-26, 31; Oct. 2, Nov. Fri. and Sat. performances are at 8 p.m.; Sunday, 2 p.m.
  • Introduction to Pompeii (see next item), Thursday, Nov. 13, 5 p.m. (date and time tentative but likely; room TBA). 
  • Field trip to National Gallery in Washington, DC to see Pompeii exhibit, Saturday, Nov. 15, This will be a huge and important exhibit, and you should not miss the opportunity to go. The college will provide bus transportation. This trip counts for two events.
  • "Confound your friends, puzzle your parents, listen to opera!", a trip to the Baltimore Opera Company's presentation of Bellini's Norma, one of the supreme heights of the Bel Canto tradition, Wednesday, Nov. 19,  Price: $5. Contact: Prof. Paul Oorts N457 Maryland Hall x2324  phoorts@loyola.edu. You must preregister and pay three weeks before the performance. (i.e. Oct. 29)! Only 25 students can go. 

Spring 2008

  • Lecture by Albert Braunmuller, Distinguished Professor, English and Comparative Literature, UCLA  "Justice, Law and Mercy in Measure for Measure”, Tuesday, Feb. 19, 7 p.m., McManus Theatre.  This is the keynote lecture for the 2008 Humanities Symposium.
  • Lecture by Robert Miola,  Gerard Manley Hopkins Professor of English, & Professor of Classics, 山ּCollege in Maryland, “Darkness as a Bride: Classical Ideas of Justice in Measure for Measure”, Tuesday Feb. 26, 6 p.m., McGuire Hall West. This is the classics department's contribution to the 2008 Humanities Symposium.
  • Special exhibit at the Walters, beginning 16 March: .
  • Eta Sigma Phi & Classics Club Spring Event and Party; Friday, March 14; 7 PM; Professor McCreight's house
    • Induction of new members into the National Classics Honors Society
    • Distribution of Fall 2007 writing awards for individual courses
    • Premiere reading of Pontanus, a Jesuit Latin play translated into English for the first time ever by 山ּclassics students

Fall 2007

  • Lecture by Joseph J. Walsh, department of classics, 山ּCollege, "Roman History in a Nutshell," Tuesday, Sept. 18, 5 p.m., Cohn 33.
  • Lecture by David Larmour, Professor of Classics, Texas Tech University, "The Origins of Science Fiction: Lucian of Samosata's True History," Mon. Oct. 22, 6 p.m., 105/107 Mangione Conference Room.
  • Lecture by Roger Bagnall, director of the Institute for the Study of the Ancient World at New York University, "Women Writing Letters in Graeco-Roman Egypt." Phi Beta Kappa 山ּing Scholar Program. Mon. Oct. 29, 5:30 p.m., 4th Floor Programming Room, Andrew White Student Center. There will be at least one other lecture or seminar associated with Professor Bagnall's visit. This will be of limited attendance (most probably restricted to majors or minors); check website for updates.
  • Lecture by William Short, Department of Classics, 山ּCollege, "Latin: A Brief Introduction," Mon. Nov. 12, 5 p.m., Cohn 33.


Contact Us

Dr. Martha Taylor
Department Chair
Humanities Building, Room 321b

Nadine Fenchak
Program Assistant
Humanities Building, Room 322A